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CSS Gradient Generator

Create beautiful CSS gradients for your web projects. Customize colors, direction, and more with our interactive generator.

CSS Code

background: linear-gradient(90deg, #6366f1 0%, #a855f7 100%);

20+ Beautiful CSS Gradients

Explore our collection of handpicked CSS gradients. Click on any gradient to copy its CSS code instantly.

Understanding CSS Gradients

What are CSS Gradients?

CSS gradients are special types of CSS image values that show a progressive transition between two or more colors. They allow you to create smooth color transitions without using actual image files, reducing loading time and offering more flexibility in design.

Types of CSS Gradients

Using CSS Gradients

To use a CSS gradient, you'll typically apply it to the background property of an element. Here's the basic syntax:

.element {
  background: linear-gradient(direction, color1, color2);

Best Practices for Using Gradients

Browser Support

CSS gradients are supported in all modern browsers. However, it's good practice to provide a solid color fallback for older browsers:

.element {
  background: #f06; /* Fallback */
  background: linear-gradient(45deg, #f06, #9f6);

Performance Considerations

CSS gradients are rendered by the browser, making them more performant than using actual images. They scale perfectly at any resolution and reduce HTTP requests since no external files need to be downloaded.

Advanced Techniques

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